A Mistake in Chaos Theory: Updating Planck and Einstein’s Quantum

A Mistake in Chaos Theory: Updating Planck and Einstein’s Quantum

We have been working here to help ordinary people to stimulate the spirit and the certainty that they can be happy in the midst of so much anguish, at the same time, teaching them how they can participate in the worldwide convocation of the Church of Rome, in the Synodal Process that will take place in 2023, which, given the present context, interests all of us, not just the religious.

This work is the third theme that composes the methodologies, having been preceded by the first theme that addressed the importance of the Process and the second theme the formation of the critical sense.

Now, let’s take another step in this journey, whose methodology will approach the “principles” tool, which has the function of structuring an art, or, the composition of a system, as if they were the mason’s plumb lines to demarcate the building foundation area.

To understand this principle, we start from the point that all creation, or creatures, only exist because they have energy in them, so we believe that Quantum Physics needs a correction, because it had Cartesian science in its development methodology, with this, he became contaminated with the vices of analogical science.

To better present this vice, we will make use of Max Planck’s studies by breaking the energy of bodies into packages, and calling the smallest unit of energy Quantum.

This quantum is composed of two principles, or magnitudes: the first is immaterial, which we call time, and, in the quantum, it was called picosecond. The second is space, which is material, or, physical, and in the quantum it was called the nanometer.

But Max Planck was classified as a conservative scientist, so in this work we believe that when developing his studies he chose his methodologies under strong influence given by the determinism and Cartesianism of the Classical Physics of Isaac Newton and Descartes.

Thus, when developing his studies focused on the fragmented methodologies of Cartesianism, the conclusion he reached about the quantum produced an analogical result of energy, because it contains only two dimensions, which are: the dimension of height, immaterial, in time (picosecond) and the dimension of width, the physics of space (nanometer), seeming to be incomplete when referring to three elements but only using two (picosecond and nanometer) when studying the concept of the quantum that says:

Energy can only be exchanged between different bodies through an integer multiple of an amount of energy which we call quantum particle in Quantum Physics, which is called Quantum (MOURA, 2011, p. 208)1

We can see that when the text above refers to “energy can only be exchanged between different bodies”, Planck applied a third element that did not compose the analogical structure of the quantum, which presents composed only of space and time, that is, it was missing in the composition of the Planck quantum, the third element that is the interaction, or, the conductor that produces the nuclear fusion of energy.

The subject above is related to the studies of Thermodynamics, in the composition of the systems and their processes of conservation and renewal of energies, however, for having been done under the methodologies of analogical science, the studies of Planck were consecrated by the works of Albert Einstein, when he studied in 1905, the quantum of light, and clarified that the packets, or fragments of energy, that is, the quantums, had exact and not random measurements, calling them photons, but, keeping under the analogical perspective of just two principles without the interaction or nuclear fusion.

The incomplete point that seems to be evident in Planck’s studies when he says that “Energy can only be exchanged between different bodies through an integer multiple of the amount of energy” (ibid), is that if there is an exchange between bodies, or that is, if there is a kinetic force to conserve or renew the energies in the movement of particles under entropies, then it means that the quantum is not analog/two-dimensional, but three-dimensional, since there is a third magnitude that composes the quantum, which is the Interaction Work, which we could represent like this:

Picosecond – Time – Immaterial = Alpha

Work – Nuclear fusion of energies – Abduction = Tau

Nanometre – Space – Material – Physical = Omega

When we understand this, it seems to us to show that the quantum under the two-dimensional methodology needs to be updated to include the element of interactivity in its composition, as an alternative to correct the vices of the Cartesian Science view.

This is necessary because the analogical quantum vision, that is, without a movement, without an interaction of the system in its composition, reproduces the same errors of Classical Physics, when misinterpreting the concepts and revealing itself from a limited perspective.

This limitation reaches the point of excluding the element Work from the composition of the quantum, which is shown to be responsible for the kinetic movements in the atoms leaving the two-dimensional structure for the three-dimensional structure composed of the Picosecond – Work – Nanometer.

The methodological influence of Classical Physics in the work of Planck and Einstein, repeating the vices of Isaac Newton’s Science, produced a wrong interpretation in the explanation of electron molecules, because, as they did not obtain a plausible explanation to define the trajectories of the molecules, they camouflaged the obscure point, such as uncertain or chaos theory.

Thus, the analogical vision of the quantum created a vacuum that was filled by the same Theory of Uncertainties, which covered up the explanation of what they could not explain, contradictorily naming a system that obeys a natural order of chaotic or chaos theory, which is sustained under a practice of errors and successes walking blindly through the results given in the probabilities of Statistical Physics.

This vacuum is revealed in the studies of Planck and Einstein, due to the absence of the third magnitude, constituted by Work, the Tau, which allows the explanation of the nature of electron molecules, that is, it ceases to be chaos, when the movements occur of the particles are guided by the interaction of the cell’s information, structure of its DNA.

That is, instead of random movements (chaos theory), they follow an orientation according to the nature of each one provided with a source with water, structuring their abilities that we can call Talent.

This third element, the Talent, absent in the quantum of Planck and Einstein, the semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce, already seemed to foresee this error of limited interpretation of two-dimensional science, since the third element was discarded as being considered an illusion, or, useless superstition. when Peirce conceptualized Abduction:

Peirce’s concepts of abduction and synechism allow a broader view of the phenomenon of the sacred, as we come to conceive of it not as illusion, useless superstition, or even as an ineffable and incommunicable intuition; both concepts allow us to understand that the sacred is a logical necessity and a type of inference that allows man not only to take care of his surrounding reality, but also to increase the complexity of our knowledge and link us with the growth of nature, through of a sign process that makes us connatural to the mind of the cosmos that formed us. Both concepts advocate the idea of ​​having a continuum between the mind of the Cosmos and the human mind (SANTOS, 2005, p. 92)2.

When we understand the meaning of interaction as abduction thanks to the concept given by Peirce, it is already possible to highlight the importance of the magnitude of the Work, which produces the oriented interaction of molecules in electrons, moving away from the camouflage of the casual vacuum, or “theory of chaos”, because the abduction, or work of fusion of energies, is an orientation to structure the talents in the atom, as if it were the information of the DNA of all creation ordering the Universe.

Therefore, this abduction in Semiotic Science, allows us to understand the wisdom of birds and other animals that do not need schools to build the colors of their formations, the structures of their dwellings, the times of migrations among others, the order of Galaxies and systems planetariums:

Peirce understood that we are endowed, like animals, with an ability to guess, without there being, apparently, another cognition, a correct hypothesis. To this instinctive capacity existing in us, Peirce also called il lume naturale.

However, unlike Descartes in his Meditations, Peirce’s natural light is entirely in tune with an intelligent, mental and isomorphic nature to the human mind. That is, we have in us the natural insight into the laws of nature, which gives intuition not a self-centered character, self-contained in the human mind and determined by a God alien to his own creation, but a character of continuity, in which we recognize as sacred the echoes of nature speaking to us.

This ability to guess which we share with all living forms Peirce called abduction. In line with synechism, it is abduction, due to its innovative and creative character, that shows us how the constitution of the sacred is possible as an inferential process of man’s deep relationship with nature (Ibid, p. 96).

This understanding allows us to perceive that the three-dimensional quantum is not limited to the universe of quantum scientists, but extends to all living beings, and in this study it creates a principle for the Synodal Process, as a package, or capsule in the form of Science Three-dimensional, with the appearance of a magnetic field carrying Wisdom as light. that is, science gives the certainty of the Wisdom of our ancestors as DNA informs the cells, therefore, as a source of guidance in the greatness of the Work, or liturgical service.

In order not to make this article too extensive, we will present below a representation of the relationship of the three-dimensionality of the quantum in the interactions between the dimension of the Sacred and the dimension of the Universe.

Before that, we need to observe some precepts so we don’t betray ourselves and fall into the same mistake of two-dimensionalism, so we need to understand that in a relationship, and here, the relationship between the Celestial and Universe dimensions, it is understood the existence of an interaction.

This interaction could be called intelligible movements that conduct nuclear information that, compared to energy, we can make use of Einstein’s wave-immaterial/particle-material theory and consider energy as light itself and this relational interaction, which Peirce called thirdness in Semiotics because it gives quality, they act as the wheels that transport this light, which is called by the Physical Sciences a magnetic field.

For example, if we look at the Sun, we see the light, but we see it because there was a movement bringing the light to us, as if it were a capsule around the light, visiting each one who observes it, that is, because of the magnetic field. In the same way it occurs in the relational interaction between the Sacred and the Universe dimension, the interaction occurs as if they were water particles watering the World.

Having made these considerations, we present the following graphic representing the Celestial Relationship – Universe from the three-dimensional quantum, whose abduction or liturgy will have the three-dimensional Rosary as a magnetic field or chimes.

1MOURA, Cássio Stein. Física para o Ensino Médio Gravitação, Eletromagnetismo e Física Moderna. Porto Alegre – RS: EDIPUCRS, 2011 – Ebook. Disponível em https://repositorio.pucrs.br/dspace/bitstream/10923/12475/2/Fisica_para_o_Ensino_Medio_Gravitacao_Eletromagnetismo_e_Fisica_Moderna.pdf. Acesso em 20 jan. 2022.

2SANTOS, Gerson Tenório dos. Abdução e sinequismo: pedras angulares para uma semiótica do sagrado sua movimentação energética. In Revista Eletrônica de Filosofia – Cognitio – Estudo – PUCSP: São Paulo, Volume 2, Número 2, p. 91-104, Disponível em: https://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/cognitio/article/download/5467/3914/13126 . Acesso em 20 jan. 2022.

Sobre o Autor

Laurentino Lúcio Filho administrator

Advogado na área cível-empresarial, há 26 anos, Mestre em Tecnologias da Inteligência e Design Digital na linha da Semiótica Cognitiva com foco em formação docente e Professor Universitário nas graduações de Adminsitração, Gestão de Pessoas e Contabilidade.

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