Brazil Putting the Shards Together: The Reconstruction of a Politically Fragmented Nation

Brazil Putting the Shards Together: The Reconstruction of a Politically Fragmented Nation

Portuguese version

Brazil today is a people that bears within itself the color of hope for development in a better world, working in their daily lives, to gather the pieces of their political treasures spared over a little over 100 years, and fragmented from the new millennium, by 12 years of physiologism through the practices of successive populist governments, whose longing of the people was shrouded by the eagerness to eternalize self-power.
From 2018, the people were called to elect a new ruler, whose idea of ​​maintaining populist government made him sick to voters, however, the People did not realize at that time, that they were also being a victim of the freedom of conscience of the vote, for, through war tactics, by populist ruling party agents, the entire political holdings of their history had, throughout populist mandates, been massacred, crushed, humiliated, and utterly discrediting political institutions and parties. to remain in advantage, for thus their populist supporters would represent more, creating greater effect of electoral force than the shattered political parties that were dying in spoils.

But the people’s nausea to populism was greater, however, in the absolute darkness, remained as his only alternative, to vote for the current President of the Republic, whose campaign promise brought in itself, the restoration of respect for institutions and customs, especially to family traditions.
However, like the populist governments, the current President is highly dependent on advisers, lacking a self-affirming political personality. In view of this, he elected two gurus to draw the paths of his government, the first for the economy, which plunged headlong into an orthodox practice of the neoliberal American economic model, which so hard the economic guru seems not to have realized that such model collapsed, so the effect on the outcome of the economic projects has been much less than the promise, as in a party ending, that what has to be consumed are leftovers that no longer produce pleasure in the tasting.

The minister’s effort is commendable, yet the direction of such force is not very consistent with present reality.

The second guru is an echo, because, resident in the United States, seems to be the influencer of the son who, in turn, influences the father, whose philosophy based on the complex of the mutt, drools the current American medio-political model, creating a caricature that looks like a cover of Trump’s worst class, especially with environmental policy spewing arrogance and arrogance, perhaps that is what the French President meant by “Brazil needs a proper government”, and it doesn’t seem it’s wrong.

The President must stop wishing to play Bad Boy, and start honoring his mandate by starting to create his government structured in the hope of the People, re-structuring the current economic model directly linked to environmental sustainability, rather than turning to a Pride watered personal vanity, selfish and highly detrimental to the Nation.

Sobre o Autor

Laurentino Lúcio Filho administrator

Advogado na área cível-empresarial, há 26 anos, Mestre em Tecnologias da Inteligência e Design Digital na linha da Semiótica Cognitiva com foco em formação docente e Professor Universitário nas graduações de Adminsitração, Gestão de Pessoas e Contabilidade.

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